We love reaching out to others and having great conversations whether it’s through social media, blogs, or podcasts. Check out where we have been featured so far and let us know if you’d like to have us on your platform!
Out Now:
The Price of Avocado Toast
Here Diandra talks about how to eat healthy on a budget, Nutrition Coaching, and soo much more….

Listen to our Price of Avocado Toast Episode Here (Season 3, Episode 116, Mar 22, 2023)
Earn and Invest Podcast
Here Diandra talks about how important it is to invest in your health as we focus on the SlowFI route

Listen to our Earn & Invest Episode Here (#373 Dec 1, 2022)
The Fioneers
Here Jess talks about her life and how working with Diandra as a Nutrition coach paid off.
friends on FIRE
Here Diandra talks about our “Keys to a full life” in addition to how to use our “Eat for Health Tracker Level 1” .
Modest Millionaires
Here we talk about Diandra’s personal journey with Health on the path to FI and why you shouldn’t put off investing in your health.

Read our Modest Millionaires Feature
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Here Diandra discusses her integrative approach to facing breast cancer head on and how being plant based has decreased side-effects and increased energy along the way.
Personal Finance for PhDs
Here we talk about Diandra’s career before her PhD and how not being a “Traditional” graduate student has paid off.
The Matt Feret Show
Here we talk about Diandra’s current PhD project, Alzheimer’s disease, and details about our Evidence-Based Nutrition Coaching Program.
Coming soon:
Invite us to be a guest on your platform:
Reach out on Twitter @science_couple, Instagram @thatsciencecouple , or Facebook @thatsciencecouple, or send me a message at diandra@thatsciencecouple.com. We’d love to hear from you!